Volunteers Needed for Saturday's Moorestown Invitational!It looks like we are understaffed with volunteers - so it would be great if anyone on this email list would be willing to head over to the track for an hour or two on Saturday! Joyce Nece (jhnece@comcast.net) is heading up the concession stand this year and she needs all the help she can get! Thanks!
This Past WeekLast Saturday we had the first official meet, the Hall of Fame Relays. Unlike past years of torrential rain or bone chilling cold and wind, it was a hot and sunny day. So sunny one of our runners actually has sun poisoning this week and can not run! Remember to put on sun screen and bring a t-shirt and cap and stay out of the sun. In addition to the skin issues, the sun can suck the energy right out of you and affect your performance!
Our 4X1600 team started off the meet with a romp - winning by over 40 seconds. We led most of the race and the guys turned in good, even splits. This team has a shot at getting the school record in May when they are in better shape, and have some stiff competition.
The DMR's both had some nice performances. Shipley ran a 3:40 1200, indicating he is more than ready to go sub-5 in the 1600. Inglis anchored with a sub-5, which was a PR for him. Szumski led off the other DMR team and ran 5 seconds faster than last year in a 3:44. Sheehan was close to a PR at 5:11. A good sign that a sub-5 is in his future as well.
The freshmen had a nice performance, finishing 3rd in their heat of the 4X800. Lamina led the way with a 2:22.
Yesterday was our first really hard practice of the year. Now that it is April, we are going to build on our base from the winter and March and start learning how to run faster and pushing thru some pain. The top guys did 6X800 at 2:30 and under. Very nice.
This Coming WeekThe Moorestown Invitational is this weekend. We will have 3 runners in the 5K, 3 in the 1500, a DMR and a 4X800. Eagles will be reviewing those entries at practice tomorrow.
Next week we start our dual meet season competing against Willingboro on Tuesday after school on our own track. Invite your friends to come out, and parents are definitely welcome!
Next Saturday we will mostly be off. There is an opportunity for a couple of steeplechasers, but the bulk of the team will be practicing.
I also wanted to take a moment to say how pleased I am with the training levels that everyone is at. We have ratcheted up our mileage, with a big group doing 8 miles nearly every day. This will pay some big dividends as we get to May, and of course for those who are training for XC next fall or going to college and plan to run. Keep up the great work - it is that steady commitment that makes great distance runners and teams.
Your faithful scribe is taking off and will be missing for the next two and a half weeks due to vacation (St. Louis, Graceland!, Nashville on a road trip!), then a couple of business trips. I will be keeping up with things and feel free to email with questions.
Eagles & Bickel