Sunday, August 31, 2008

Visiting Bucknell

I went up to Bucknell this past weekend so Mollie could take a look at the school. As always, it was neat to be back and get to run on the hills and roads.

I got to see the opening meet for Bucknell. I loved seeing the top guy from Bucknell turn around in the chute and shake hands with the 2nd place guy from Susquehanna. I also love the video wrap-up and the winning women's and men's runner talking about running in a pack together and helping each other.

I did a nice run early Saturday morning on Turtle Creek/Pheasant Run/Old Schoolhouse Rd. 7 miles and only 9 cars. Real hills. And of course a lot of great memories.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Right Way to Run

There is an article in today's Philadelphia Inquirer by Gina Kolata from the New York Times News Service with the title "The right way to run? There isn't one".

She articulates one of the discussions we were having last weekend at the store about how the winner of the women's marathon, Constantina Tomescu, had terrible looking form. Paula Radcliffe, the world record holder at 2:17 also has a bobbing, jerky motion that looks very inefficient. Haile Gebrelesassie runs on his toes. Steve Prefontaine wasted energy when he ran.

My Coach always said that if you ran enough miles, your stride would eventually smooth out to be right for your body. Maybe for Paula Radcliffe, bobbing her head is what makes her most comfortable.

The author of the article sites a couple of different researchers. William Kraemer of the University of Connecticut did a study of top marathoners. 62 percent are heal-toe runners like Deena Kastor. 36 percent are midfoot runners like Olympic 5K and 10K champion Kenesia Bekele. 2% are toe runners like Haile Gebreselassie, world record holder in the marathon, and my daughter Allison.

To me the answer always comes back to - go run more miles if you want to get better. It will be the key to building your cardiovascular system and pumping more oxygen to your muscles more efficiently - the key to improving your running. As Peter Cavanaugh, head of orthopaedics and sports medicine for the University of Washington, said of his tests he ran on Pre back in the early 70's - "Pre made up for it (wasted motion) with a tremendous ability to pump blood to his muscles. He had the biggest engine."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

South Jersey Returning Runners

We are getting the 2008 South Jersey Cross Country website ready at One of the early pages we have done is to put together a list of returning runners and what their times were at Holmdel.
Returning Boys
Returning Girls

Let us know if you see any updates or corrections we can make.